Friday, August 1, 2014

A collaborative week in Lima

This blog comes to you from from the seminar room in the brand new Department of Geology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), where we have been visiting since we arrived in Lima on Monday night. It's been a fantastic opportunity to get to know our collaborators here better, to discuss science and plan for the actual trek up to the Andes for fieldwork (starting tomorrow... can't wait!), and get to know Lima a little. Dave Bottjer, our senior paleontologist, reliably informs us that we have pretty well covered the main cultural sites of the city, and it's been great to see the diversity here. And we've been having some great meals, including the excellent photographed lunch at the Larko Museum... where we all sat for hours, as you can see from our attached photo.

Above, from left: Our amazing PUCP collaborator, Silvia Rosas; Frank Corsetti; Joyce Yager; Josh West; Kathleen Ritterbush; Dave Bottjer

Everyone in our group keeps remarking that it's like a Latin American version of Los Angeles, and it's a fairly accurate description - and one that maybe sheds some light on why our collaborative links here seem to be working so well. Speaking of those collaborations, we've had a great chance to interact with the geologists here, through Silvia Rosas, who is actually the founding director of the new PUCP geology program. She set up a couple of great opportunities for us to interact with Peruvian geologists. Our fearless ELT project (that stands for Earth-Life Transitions, if it's not clear) leader, Frank Corsetti, gave a great talk to the weekly meeting of the Peruvian Geological Society on Wednesday night. And today, we are sitting getting ready for the Inaugural Symposium for the PUCP Geology program - which includes talks from our whole group. Photos to follow, I hope, so stay tuned...!

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